

As training institutions, Momentum Health, Evidence Sport and Spine and Innovative Sport Medicine participate actively in Research Projects with partners like the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services (AHS).

We guide you through the latest information and connect you to the right practitioner at the right time.

What is the title of the study? Where is it running? How do I find out more information?
Evaluating the burden of injury and associated risk factors among recreational and elite level dancers across all styles Alberta Ballet School University of Calgary
Does our brain function better after facet joint injections when pain is relieved? Evidence Sport and Spine North Look for bulletins at front desk
Good Life with osteoArthritis from Denmark - GLA:D Canada Always at Mayfair, rotating throughout 7 other locations See our GLA:D page!

Newsletter Articles
Sitting: The New Smoking, Regardless of Activity Level The Deep Core
Foam Roller: Fad or Fact?  A Motor Vehicle Accident, a Life Altered: PTSD
Self-Esteem: The Imposter Syndrome  Are you producing enough Vitamin D3?
The Time I Ran Away With the Circus… Diastasis Recti - The Dreaded 'Mummy Tummy'
Concussions and simple Nutritional changes that can help get you back into the game of life  Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
You, Physiotherapy and Your Pelvic Floor How Effective is that Treatment?
Better care for children and families! Clinican & Patient Info - Pelvic Health 
Collision! Is the Damage to your Car Proportional to the Damage to Your Neck? Happy Back and Full Tummies

Useful Links
 Physiotherapy Alberta
College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta
College of Alberta Psychologists
Also see our Partnerships Page